As we know, most plants started life in pots. So, when we designed and applied for a patent in early 2011, we researched pot plant technology, so the gardener can reap maximum results, seems simple, but there are iron clad basic guidelines that we need to follow.
1/ Large amount of potting mix per plant, important for root ball growth and water retention.
Wallgarden 16.2 Litres, with 3 plants = 5.4 Litres.
Multi-Hang 4.7 Litres per plant.
Plants thrive, you can grow a larger variety of plants and maintenance is reduced. Check out the Bunnings offer, around one litre per plant.
2/ Potting mix; There are a number of quality potting mix’s suitable for vertical gardens available, here is what to look out for; Contains well composted Organic substrates as Bark, sawdust and CoCo Peat, Particle sizes from 0-12mm. A mixture of mature compost/Humus (composted thermophilically for 12-20weeks), these can be sourced fully composted -Cow, Chicken manures, Worm castings, compost bins, etc for nutrients. NB. Coir peat will help with water retention and aeration. Vermiculite or perlite can be added for water retention and aeration also.
3/ Free draining, any reservoir at the bottom of the pot will cause root rot. Waterlogging interferes with aeration of the roots, leading to low oxygenation and decay. Wallgarden products are totally and absolutely free draining. No water reservoir, no mosquitoes. Patent applied for flow through of water in the Wallgarden design, assures you can’t overwater and gives even moisture content from top to bottom.
4/ Aeration; Roots need access to air to remain healthy, this can be achieved with the correct potting mix and with aeration at the bottom of the pot. Observe Wallgarden has the maximum amount of aeration for healthy plants.